ALM Precision Linear Motion Products  1 800 892-3991
  Introduction, features, technical data, options and accessories,

MLP3 and HP6 series compact, light weight, short travel stages, anti-backlash precision screws

  MLP6 series linear positioning stages, high performance, long travel

PG series 4" and 6" wide motor ready stages, ultra precision drive, anti-backlash precision screws

  CG series 4" and 6" wide motor ready stages, standard drive, anti-backlash precision rolled screws

VT series 4" wide motor ready stages with application specific linear bearings and drive screws

  RT series 4" and 6" wide with recirculating crossed rollers and application specific drive screws

DH series Dual Trust stages (GRIPPER motion) and application specific drive screws

  SD series X-Y motor ready side drive square stages with open or solid frame, anti-backlash precision screws

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AMERICAN LINEAR MANUFACTURERS . 629 Main Street . Westbury, N.Y. 11590

1 (800) 892-3991 • (516) 338-5741 • Fax: (516) 333-1729 •  Web: